I feel with all the new stuff coming in: nerfs, events, etc. We should start experimenting. Here are some ideas:
(kdr would be removed in these situations while they are being tested)
Classes should be able to buff each other, remember the days were lvl 10 snakefang daggers, gave that widow proc to other classes? I feel like this would lessen the need to class balance. Rogues when using aimed shot, provide 5% crit to other members as well (close proximity). Warriors Jugg can give a boost to other members, mages fireball gives damage reductions to teamates etc. Instead of giving OP buffs and nerfs to one char, we lessen buffs to YOUR character, and buff other regardlesss of class. This would promote class diversity in PvP. I'm sure this has been suggested btw.

There should be events in PvP where kill counts are stopped, and you can just PvP for the fun of it. For example, an idea/event I had was "Capture the Flag: Flags actually Matter!". How this event works is, teams work together together to actually play CTF.. not kill and ignore flag. Kill counts would stop, so the only reason you would play is to defend/ get opposite teams flag! Leaderboard players can take a refreshing break, and we can even have a temporary counter, that counts how many flags your TEAMS have captured, not you.(flags captured by teams, and total games played) There isn't really a incentive but I'm sure a few days/week of that would help people enjoy.

I know this will take forever, but later when STS isnt as busy, they should play a prank week, where skills are switched, (use logic, dont give rogue jugg and arc shield lmao). Maybe warriors get light and fireball, and rogues get curse XD. I don't know if people want this in PvP, but it would be really funny. (Kill counters are off ofc) Btw: I would hate to see a warr with arc sword lvl 46, that has Aimed Shot, and Arcane Shield xd.

Last Idea:

OMG I've had this idea forever, and I know it will make some people rage with good reason).
This idea is to give everyone in AL one specific set of gear that HAS to be used in PvP. No jewels, (specific non-OP pets allowed), and we can just pvp without complaining of gear. I recommend kill counter is off, so nobody rages about how they spend 50 mil on a rogue, and is getting farmed XD. This one isnt completely though out, so I still need some feedback on how it would work. But I feel as if it would be hilarious to see people who dominate with expensive gear, be farmed by normal players with skill. This event lasts only a week, so people can go back to playing PvP with the gear they earned. If everyone likes it enough, maybe STS could make a map named "Noobs=Pros".

EXCUSE THE TYPOS, and please give feedback on anything. Sorry about the grammar in advance...