I'm new to the game and playing an Archer. I started thinking about this when I got a few green Enchantress staves and now I just found some purple Warrior armor. What is the best thing to do with these?

Obviously, using the "Sell this for X" options seems...uhm...sub-optimial. Is there a way I could send these kinds of items to one of my other characters? (I ran into something called a Stash in one of the towns...is that what it's for?)

Other than that, exchanging it to other player seems to be possible thru 3 methods: Trading, Consignment, or Auction. Trading seems to have the best potential to get me something I can put to good use, but it seems like it would be tedious trying to find someone who has something I would want. I'm not sure the difference between Consignment and Auction, but both would pay out gold, which I haven't found much need for in the game (since monster drops seem much better than things I can buy from vendors so far).

So, if anyone would care to enlighten me on these options, I would really appreciate it.