Quote Originally Posted by avikk View Post
Paragraph 1. I think you forget how big AL as a game is, the botters really aren't an army they consist of maybe 5% of the community(or 10 I was never too good with speculative numbers), this "glorious piece of virtual" cardboard as a you so sensitively put it might nott mean a lot to you but it does mean a lot to other people. It gives people who aren't on it to have something to aim for, some kind of goal that they might want to achieve in a couple of years(or hundred, in my case atleast x)). Today's generation is all about experiences and less about the materialistic gains that they make throughout their lifetime(or lifetimes depending upon your religious and aesthetic beliefs) and this LBR is a perfect example of such an axiom.

Para 2. Perhaps I didn't misinterpret and wanted to give you an example of how you don't need to know someone personally to respect them. When you compare the people who put in hard work and real life money into this game to keep it alive to the people who leech money off of this(hello, hi RWTers) and people who set up scripts to make money or get on the "virtual piece of cardboard" I think you do nott know what you speak of. That being said, one doesn't need to personally know most of the well known forumers to deign want kind of person they are, there are some forumers I respect just by reading their forum posts, don't even have to speak them one on one. Then there are those forumers I don't respect, but less about that. I think I've made my point pretty clear here >

Paragraph 3. Christopher Paolini, one of my favourite authors has this quote in his book "It's not about the goal it's about the journey." this is an ideology and everyone perceives the work in a different way.

You stray from the point, it is nott so difficult to trigger and monitor bots, it's just a very parsimonious task. maps like km3- the previous jarl event are easily botted any layman can do it.Whereas tasks like the dropping of Arcane chests in Dead city isn't so easy and little things like this shows us how STS has realised they have a problem and are trying to combat it :P

It isn't the leaderboard that makes it toxic, it's the people. Since we are talking about toxic communities there is notthing more toxic than the PvP or the timed runs leaderboard. PvP is toxic all in all don't even need a leaderboard to make it toxic. Class LBRs aren't so easily botted, the only field probably bottable in these lbr is the PvE kills.

One last time, how will abolishing LBR solve the issue of botters farming maps like km3 etc? You are overlooking how much the avid farmers get deprived off because of botters who ruin the market of newly released items.

Again, you might be in denial if you think "90% of AL play the game recreationally to have fun with other players.", we are in the same merch groups and we both know how many people sell/buy gold/accounts and what nott. Who are you to say who and who doesn't deserve a spot on the LBR? Most of the top LBR people who have been playing since s1 are probably the richest and the most social people on the game. I see some of these people who "enjoy killing people in PvP" in PvP section and I'm just glad I only PvP once or twice a year.
So rather than playing pingpong with our conflicting views on the leaderboard, i am just going to say that i disagree with what you said.

On the topic of respect, perhaps i need to be even clearer. "Personally" probably wasnt the correct adverb to use. I'm virtually indifferent. I don't appreciate or admire anyone because their name is listed in shining lights, which is who we are quarrelling back and forth over. Comparing faceless names to historical figures in terms of who we respect is also risible. Respect is an earned, not a given. I dont respect strangers and i dont falsely profess that i respect them to make myself seem like a good person.

Also, you cant compare RWTing to Botting and question how i can explain what is rectitudinous. One affects only those involved with poor decision making, the other affects everyone.