Quote Originally Posted by Maarkus View Post
The dimensional portal opens specifically on a month after a certain amount on elix has been comsumed, approximately 100k elix, then the week is determined by the phase pf the moon, the day of the week is determined by the awakening of northal and cryostar boss and the hour is determined by the difference of the time taken between the bosses waking up then the minute is determined by the 100th northal or cryostar boss killed for that day within the period of both bosses active and the second is determined by a dice roll made by a dev which recives an sms alert on their phone that the chance is there for a portal when the above criteria is met, the second is determined by the dice rol, six sided dice, so roll a 1 and the first 10 seconds of that minute is the chance to open the portal then on that 10 second window a party of all lvl56 with dimensional elix is active needs to stun the boss while under the mage clock skill effects and the final death of the voss is by a charged aimed shot of a rogue so u need all classes in party. When all that is met the server will generate a number between 1-1000, if that number is 13 then the portal will open and if u have been reading until now you would have realized this is a not factual and the author is trying to make light of the insane drop rate
Thanks for reading.
I hope you were entertained well atleast to lessen the frustration of farmin the banish amulet well mostly my frustration lolz.
Nothing aligned right today.