Haha. Kopi, don't you just hate the networks we have here.

I think it was an update that many of us have been waiting for with anticipation. But it turned out to be rather depressing as of where it stands now. No new set bonus, more difficulty induced (need to pot in BS?... Com'on!!) gcd issue, losing the face we paid for using real money if we were to get the "birthday bash" gift..

PL is a mobile device game. So what button mashing are you guys talking about previously! It's supposed to be button mashed considering the size of screen size of our mobile devices and the size of the skills buttons no bigger then 5mm in diameter! If button mashing is causing you alot of peeves in PVP and gcd is the solution for the disgrunted few. Then devs should keep it in PVP and not PVE...

With gcd, this scenario should be frequent in PVE. Party died in mob, only Mage couldn't rev coz she just castes heal. While waiting for the cooldown time to rev team members, she too gets killed by mob. Whole party died as a result. And I can see this scenerio in boss fights too which makes it more frustrating, party died and boss heals back to full health.

Some may argue that the team is lousy. You did fine with Your team of elites. But this is mobile device game! It should never be styled to play like WOW or FF Online. That's just too tiring a thing to do on a tiny screen with short battery life. And I would dare say there are more casual players then pros who do not log on for long periods of time nor do casual players have the time to log in and wait for an "elite" group to form before playing. In all sense designing a game is all about making money, with that, I'll probably be skewed towards the casual mass.

And having to pot in BS now?! Oh no... Not another elite shadow cave! Once again, how many elite players are there compared to casual players? Maybe something that used to be enjoyable so diffiuclt will just turn some of your present and future customers away.

For myself and it seems like many shared the same sentiments, PL used to be a game where we could steal minutes from our hectic lifestyles for some quick fun. Logging in when time presents itself for us to run a map or two. Hoping for a prized pink drop which is already uber rare. When we don't get the drop, it makes us come back for me knowing that we could run the maps with relative ease and fuss (minus the elite shadow cave).

With this saddening update, it seems this luxury have been robbed off. Running maps are harder and takes longer to clear, higher level of concentration is needed on a tiny screen, need to spend hard earned gold for pots to stay in a game ( giving booting without potting a valid reason).

Some friends have already stopped playing because they drop like flies at bosses in their casual runs. And I believe many people will follow suit in throwing in the towel. It's time to go back to our computers and gaming consoles for MMORPGs..