Quote Originally Posted by markus View Post
So morhawk, you enjoy longer playtimes, harder mobs, no increase in xp or reward for playtime and enjoy dieing and using tons of elixers and pots..... my only question is are you a masacist or is sts paying you to endorse gcd?
I think the reason why I love this game so much is because I'm a social person. I like meeting people, joking around, making people laugh. When I'm playing PL and farming, I really don't have any expectations. I don't pay attention to how long it takes me to clear a level. I don't get mad if it takes long to clear one. I sometime talk a lot or make jokes on the run because I like to have fun. I think I'm a successful farmer because I don't set all these expectations on myself. I don't get upset if pinks don't drop for awhile. And you know what? When I get tired of farming, where do you think I go to have fun? I join a Shadow Cave run. Call me a masochist but I enjoy the challenge.

And I would love for STS to pay me but with my Securities Licenses and my firm, I'm not allowed to accept any compensation from anywhere else. Sucks huh? But I bet Cinco and JustG can work something out for me under-the-table.