Hey fellow forum members,

Have you ever received health & mana potion (regardless of amount) and pressed the skip button upon the health potion showing up? I have found that when you do so, only health potion will be given to the player, despite knowing that the same amount of mana potion will be given to player too. Therefore, the mana potion will not be given to players who decided to skip the animation at that particular time. It seems that the system doesn't recognise that a same amount of mana potions will be given too and hence not registering it in the total count.

Because of this issue, I have a drastic difference in health potion. Like 500 in different. So i decide to look into this issue and found this!
P/S: I have never intentionally used the potions or bought them either.

Developers please look into this issue, it only happens for health & mana potions (regardless of the amount)

Thank You,
A Random Alorian