I am officially quitting the game. I want all my friends to know which is why I have made this thread. Just saying... happy farming and good luck with events. I might come back winter event or even gauntlet but other than that this is my goodbye to the world of Arcane Legends. And just so you all know I am quitting because of my own will and Arcane Legends is a great game and very fun. I'll keep peeping some times and I might even come back to play but you never know, so that's my call.

Ign(s)- Crisppycreme(54 Mage)/Cotting(13 Mage)/Seavveed(47 Mage)/Rawkush(15 Rogue)/Frostedtwink or Frostedtwinks i dont remember (7 Mage)

Have fun and good luck Spacetime Studios!!!