So, here's the story. I've had a 2nd gen 1gb shuffle for 4-5 years now. It has been so dependable -- I've had it on my shirt while riding or hiking in the rain and it never skipped a beat -- even without headphones on, and the headphone jack just collecting water. I've abused it so much and yet it has lasted so long with almost no problems. Till a few mos ago, I'd start having issues where I charge it, unplug it, and it wouldn't turn on. I've always managed to get it working again. And in between charges it doesn't have any problems. Still just as durable as always.
Yesterday, I had the same problem, but just couldn't get it to work again. I thought it was dead and went out to buy the new 4th gen. I was actually already considering it for a while bc of the extra space and features.
Then I got home and tried my old one again and it works. I was still going to keep the new one, but then I started reading some reviews. It seems the new one is not nearly as water-resistant as the 2nd gen, as people are complaining of it dying from a sweaty workout (which I need it to be able to handle, as well). And that Apple lumps sweat damage into the same category as dropping it in a toilet (ie all water damage is the same). So they won't replace it if that happens.

So I'm debating whether to keep the new one, or just keep using my old, somewhat quirky, but still dependable, one, until it truly breaks. I love the idea of twice as much space and playlists, but I don't want to throw my money down the drain if it's not going to last.

Does anyone have experience with the new one? Any feedback?