If they ever made a Pocket Legends 2 in an updated engine I could probably see myself playing that game consistently for years to come and probably spend maybe a couple thousand dollars on that game.

One way that they could promoted for older players would be to have a way to link your Pocket Legends account to the new game and to be able to transfer over all of your old vanities into the new game you could also have some classic dungeons included into the game to give a throwback to the original game.

They can make it so that towns are still instant and static but half the dungeons in between areas a little more open. Original game with so interesting and unique that no one had done it and I think that's why it became so popular. And as much as I've tried the other SpaceTime Studio games there's none that I like more the original.

It's no secret that the playerbase of Pocket Legends is ever increasingly declining and that eventually the servers will likely shut down. I can't say that I know how or when they would shut down look for a game as old as Pocket Legends it could be any month now and I wouldn't blame them if they were to shut it down but I would very much like to see a sequel.

Maybe in the sequel there could be a better focus on story then there was in the original and if they made this new game they could appease the PVP and the PVE crowds be able to make a system for both of them rather than try to balance both sides of that coin the same time for the contents available.

I think it would bring a lot of people back and it would give reason to get stuck into the world again every now and again I login to play but not very often as there's not much more content to do other than a few more levels and another campaign. That's not to say that I'm not grateful for the new content because I am I am grateful very grateful at that but if anything I would like to see SpaceTime Studios to go forward and perhaps close the current servers. Of course closing the servers would upset a lot of people but if they were too make the sequel and to be able to import everything to the new game I think it would work out but we can't be we can't believe and lied to ourselves that the Pocket Legends game that we used to know that we used to play is anything close to what it is now.

For the community and the older players that currently play or who have recently come back would you like a Pocket Legends sequel if not why? if you could carry over your vanities from the current game into a new game would that be proficient for you what would you expect or want from a sequel?

I would just like this to be laid to rest and if they were to return to it to return to it in a new way because I'm sure it's not easy to come up with new content in such a restrictive format as an older build that is the game currently. If they were to make a new engine they would have a lot more freedom to make more content would be unique and maybe a better game

Here's to hoping for a better future