Hola mi amigos, just wanted to ask a few questions as I am hoping to log into the game for reasons other than just to check the CS:

-What gears does a capped rogue use lately? (Note: I want to PvP, not necessarily hardcore, but I would like to be able to join a zone and wreck s**t up without getting my own bottom constantly handed to me) So basically I won't bother spending on things like a haste set/para items but I want to be able to hold myself in a fair situation. If I find this to be fun, I may consider further expenses.

-PVP Question Team Wise, is Shady n Surge's aa viable? Just want to know because its fun to use and I'm assuming most teams would already have the Nekro's to cover shield rotations, if not should I bother levelling up Sam for his passive?

-PVE Question I have barely played the new expansion maps, I have like 150 points... how long would it take to get to the highest tier? Probably spending like 30min-1hr every 2-3 days on pve

Basic Builds for either PVP would be awesome as my knowledge for it is limited!

Any other stuff I may need to know would be awesome, thanks


Disclaimer: I am not Spanish