So I see we're, little by little, becoming Arcane Legends. Not saying this is a bad thing, this will certainly create some interesting updates in the upcoming months. I'm just happy to see that we're getting updates. That being said, I have a few suggestions I'd like to throw out there to make this game a little more fun.

Firstly, a new rarity. Elites used to be very special items where few kinds existed. Now that there are more types than I can count. Why not throw in a rarity above elite? I was thinking "Ascended", "Mythical", or "Immortal". Whatever it is, I'd like to see a new rarity for uber-rare items to go on, maybe some new weapons in the future (with actual procs, maybe some alien-based? :D (MAYBE SOME 76 ELITE RESKINS WITH ACTUAL PROCS? :DDD))

Next, please PLEASE make pets useful. It's about time that little dragon punk stop flying around my head and make something of his life. Now that things drop in the overworld, the game basically got more annoying. Although, I do like the fact that you can just skip over crap gear if you want. So maybe a checkbox in settings where you can have the option to make your pet pick up items? It would just make picking up items less annoying (trust me, it is one of the most irritating things in AL if you haven't fed your pet) but also have the option to turn it off.

Lastly, we have the new purple angel halo, so why not the wings? The Overlord campaign is missing a hardcore vanity quest like the ERD quest in the bsm cap. Why not have a Dark Angel vanity armor to go with the halo that can only be achieved through elite questing?

Here's a design idea:

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