Oh god im probably gonna get flamed for this but here goes

the devs have said that they have added this helm for people who had started from april to june and then there was an uproar saying that its not fair on android users now its honestly the devs made the right choice there. also the only reason we are complaining is because they had said for the people that had started now honestly if they hadnt said anything we wouldnt be complaining. the devs have also announced that they have a plan to satisfy even the hard to please as arsommers had said ill expand on that when they tell us more. now for the main point imagine u miss out on tis awesome helmet because u only had an android device u would be complaining alot or maybe it was only realeased on android us ios users would be pretty upset and complaining.

so Stop complaining cause asommers hair is going gray from trying to please us all

(we dont want it white now do we?)