So here's what I think. Pinks dropping in Balefort Sewers is very rare so one day I played about 30-40 games of random matches in Sewers, got bored and went to AO3: "This Ends Now" because I was sick of no pinks. So I kill the boss and get, "Overlords Helm of the Cosmos," which is 25k. This got me thinking!

After killing so many bosses in Balefort Sewers for a pink and not getting one did this increase my %chance of getting a pink?
Then going to AO3 where pinks drop more often, did this give me a really high %chance of getting a pink from a boss (that was actually rare) since I did so many Balefort Sewers runs?
Hmm.. Will this work in Meathead's Deli?

So, how does this work? Is anybody getting what I am saying? If not sorry for the confusion. :/

So bored so I decided to post this since my head was running wild with thoughts. Again, sorry for the confusion if you did not understand the wording of this post.