My IGN is an adaptation of Korean pronunciation. (Pronounced Joon - side)

This IGN dates back to Counter-Strike 1.3 and Diablo II LoD when I was younger. I actually didn't look up possible definitions and meanings for my IGN until about 2 years ago. So it was simply some random name I thought up.

But call it destiny as you may...

Korean similar pronunciations

Chun - sa (not choon) simply means an angel from above. A demi-god entity.

Jun - sa (not Joon) means a champion, bravery, a warrior, death in battle or a legend of history.

Joon - sa means an archer, a sniper, one who fires from a distance.

I was weirded out, but I stick with the name everywhere I go. I've been recognized globally in some networking sites, some games, asking if I am the Junside who did this, did that... I'm afraid I may hit infamy. lol My internet tag was in an internet popularity rating of like 80k in the world(but this can include search results, haters, fans, others, or simply inaccurate).