Quote Originally Posted by Doubletime View Post
In fact, I doubt either could use their Ipod on a regular basis because they are never charged.
LOL - That is one of the many terms of my child being able to use iPad. He MUST plug into charger after use! No charge=banned for day! Harsh consequences

Quote Originally Posted by Doubletime View Post
But there have been several comments about language and chat in the posts that I wanted to address. The "bad" language in my experience is not a common thing and I play a lot. 99% of players seem to use appropriate discretion in what they say in game chat. I think as a whole the community of players is pretty good about this. The chat filters, when enabled, do a pretty good job. While there are always ways around chat filters, this doesn't appear to be a real problem. And the devs are currently working on features that will potentially automatically ban violators of the language restrictions when chatting. So they are aware of the issue and working hard to address it when it does occur in those rare instances.
You know what? I agree with you. I totally forgot about the chat filters (doh!). I had turned them off because they were annoying to me as an adult. I agree with you that they would probably do the job for a 10-year-old that actually listens to his parent still (which mine does). I guess I would change my answer to a YES. I would let him play...with occasional supervision. Of course, he would not be caught dead playing this game. Minecraft is his current obsession

Quote Originally Posted by Doubletime View Post
Also, I have no problem reporting those that violate the language restrictions in an abusive way. The report button is there for this very reason. Players shouldn't hessitate to use it when neccessary to alert the devs to a problem player. I hope other players do the same. We all have some responsibility as players to keep this game as the devs intended.
I used to just turn a blind eye and think "not my problem; not my kid" until I read a recent comment from someone on this forum. Better to teach the offender a lesson now (assumption that it is young offender), then to have them experience repercussions of inappropriate computer usage on job as an adult. Being banned from a game can teach a lesson; fired from a job will follow you for rest of career.