Sorry if someone already posted something similar to this.

I played a game called Ultima Online a while back, and after a year they reward you an armor color changing bucket. The bucket is not a one time use, its permanent thing and can be used for any gear from helm, boots, chest piece, wrist piece, and etc.The following year a similar reward was granted with more vibrant colors.

I've noticed at certain lvls everyone starts looking alike and feels very bland. Just like the magic mirror in PL I am proposing a gear changing color bucket or mirror of some sort.
* Make it to where only pinks can be changed in colors, and each armor has to be changed individually.
* Also charge plat for every gear color change, preferably 2 plat or less ( 1 plat).
* Add a color wheel with number adjustment, so people can just type in that same number for their other gears.
* Similar to the color wheel, add an option for spirals and or patterns (just like the void, cosmos, and rift sets). With these patterns add a numbering indicator too, so they can make other gears similar.

With different colors and patterns no one will look alike. Full pink sets have set bonus and they sparkle anyways, so we can still tell if someone is wearing a pink set. I was considering maybe do it to all gears not just pinks, but not sure.

In the auction, make an option to sell full sets of gears so some pieces don't go missing. But if someone gets a piece not suited to their color, they can go to the bucket and change it to their liking. I believe SPS will prophet a lot from this. If anyone has other ideas please add..