you know, i normally dont say much ingame to many players... except in private chat between my friends of course... but i am really getting tired of all the peeps, let's call them "new generation" players, who dont understand or even care how a proper raiding party works. and yes, i am mainly talking about all the powerlevelled 55's running around who spam attack skills, or have never heard of a heal before... i am a tank. my main job in a party is to pull aggro and essentially keep as much damage focused on me as possible. while i am doing this the archers and mages are NOT supposed to be standing right next to me and dying... mages and archers were designed with RANGED melee attacks for a reason... they sould be outside of the immediate battle and either healing, buffing, bombing, de-buffing, etc. the only time a mage should ever be within striking distance of a boss is when they are attempting to res somebody... i know that it's not just me who thinks this way, and you might be able to argue about a pally, or a dex/bear, or an int/bear, or whatever. but ultimately, for a raiding party to work correctly, and well, together then everybody has a role. how much fun would it be for a mage if me, as a tank, were to run around and aggro a giant mob, only to bring them back to you....and then stop fighting? i'm just more upset at this behavior since last night. i used more health pots, (with a party of 55-56 mages, and my buddy kraze), than the amount of gold i got back from the entire night of raiding... not to mention i had more deaths in one night than i've had in the past 6 months! maybe this is just me venting frustration, or maybe (probably), there are plenty of other real players who feel the same way as i do...