Quote Originally Posted by Superswice View Post
Yes, I know that these items that you are mentioning also have the same proc as the "old one time thing items" what I'm trying to say here is that the old one time thing items are op in pvp in a way that their proc has a higher rate of spawning its proc than that of the new ones.
That's never the case with me. I've seen Candle mages Totally Dominate most Toyman mages similar to toyman mages dominating some candle mages. Toyman only matters in Odd level zones 15 25 35 45 where candle can not be farmed. The entire Toyman/Candle continuity had dropped anyways since they do not matter in twink. I've never seen one of these out proc the other. Only time i have is pink paw to purple paw. StS never gave us the percentage of the proc landing but i assume both are 10% since they proc evenly. The prices are there for a reason. A one time thing vs something that comes back every year. It's similar to saying bring back a discontinued black dragon armor because SOME players want one. If these players merched their way up then they could just buy, bringing them back will only mess over the people who ACTUALLY had it.