Removing forged kits would be fine, if other changes are implemented. Otherwise it's just going to decrease event activity. If you don't understand this, then.. well, I'm not gonna say what I want, since I still need my forum account for guild purposes.

So here are a few sugegstions:

- Decrease energy crafting time (currently 2 hours);

- Decrease free energy recharge time (currently 8 hours);

- Give us more free energies (currently 3);

- Re-implement the energy drop from event bosses;

- Most importantly: spend some time calculating and testing in order to find the optimal amount of points/runs needed to reach the event tier marks. It has become ridiculous lately. There was this event where you could reach gold tier after a few runs on day 1. And now we get an event where many people are unlikely to get even to gold, let alone plat, which seems impossible for people who have actual lives outside this game.
