Quote Originally Posted by Hybridull View Post
Delete Stat Guns and make Hemi guns droppabble in sts map.I also think that the dps on mage is very stupid like wtf one drain does like 2.4k dmg(cant do nothing about that,just instakill).I would say to nerf or delete those guns immediately because some are not happy with their guns.I mean bear guns are so weak rather than bird,mage,rhino,fox.
I also suggest to fix the teleport bugs in Campaign Forest Arena.I mean why a rhino can charge THROUGH A TREE.Also make stomp from bear and frostbite from mage to have same cd.I really hate endgame because there are peoples who benefit from merching guns and make their own guild full of guns for example DEFY guild.All from DEFY guild have guns.Nerf those guns immediately or more People are going to quit.
Plus statistics:nerf guardian skill of rhino +10,nerf Blind bird +10 and Drain +10.
Buff hellscream on bear and nerf drain on mages.

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Nerf drain on endgame mage and ill quit pvp. We have no heal as it is. All we need is gun nerfed