No, not as in "spouting obscenities"; as in, "making a solemn vow". The very next bear or bird who says the words "spam heal" at my mage.....grrrr. And it's only when we've gotten to the boss. Run an entire level, they haven't had to touch a heal pot because I've freaking *been* spamming heal all along and...."spam heal". I swear I'm gonna tell them in all seriousness, "And you make sure you smack (or shoot, for birds) the bad guy, okay? Because having survived this whole level doing just that, I know you're not smart enough to do it when we get to the boss unless I remind you."

Sort of like the mage the other day that told my bird very seriously, "You should use Thorn Wall so I can combo with it.". I'd *been* using TW; in fact it had just worn off from my last use of it when he told me that. Arrrgh. Anyone else being told the obvious? Or told to do something you're already doing?