Quote Originally Posted by Kurvy View Post
Pve has been a topic of discussion, i have an issue id like to confront with the Health Pool of the Elite Dragon. First off, the starries have been dropping in price dramatically lately due to it being so easy for level 100s to kill it (average time 1-2 seconds with devved out 100s). The low drop rate is amazing where its at, i think future PVE updates should have the same drop rate or less in future PVE updates/events, due to the smaller player base we have at L100 right now *ahem stat guns*, i think the Elite Dragons Health pool should be increased at least 80-100x what it is right now, and the enemies that aid the dragon should have their damage buffed up aswell. Please implement this as it would save the worth of some of the coolest looking vanities in Pl.
I agree, however, doing this simply won’t work; Elite Dragon Slayer is supposedly made for lvl 76s back when it was released - and still is today. Increasing Dragons’ hp and mobs’ damage would mean that lvl 76s are highly unlikely to kill off the dragon before dying; unless of course, they have stat pers. Perhaps, limiting the types of drops to players above a set level i.e. 76; but this, again, has it’s consequences as well.