In the game ill be in global chat talking to someone explaining about prices like the red arlor set which is 12.5m for war, and someone will be like "We get it you stupid (curse word) your a rich (cw) everyone hates you" or something else that is unnecessary. If you are one of these people that do this and you are reading this STOP IT, it gets annoying because I'm trying to help someone and your saying crap lol. All your doing is wasting time, showing your jealousy, and losing reputation.

What reputation is, it is your popularity. You think I'm talking about how many people know you but I'm not, I'm talking about how people see you if your a good person or a bad person. Almost everyone i know sees me as a good person and i do some abnormal things.

If people see you as a bad person, you won't have many good friends.

If people see you as a good person they will talk to you a lot and help you/be a good friend.

Hmm can I get people banned for harassment? If so I would get like 35 people banned a day XD.