You have all been extremely helpful in answering my past questions; since I am not in an active guild, I will continue to ask my questions here.

1. I have been looking into crafting an imbued gem set for my newly created rogue (since it looks insanely awesome). To get some of the supplies, I have to run through the planar tombs. I decided to try this on my 62 mage and it took me around 30 minutes to solo the first map (along with a ton of health pots). All my gear is legendary, along with a mythic belt. Do I just completely suck, or are these maps extremely difficult? I was wondering if it would be possible to run alone on my 41 rogue but this seems doubtful. Are there any tricks/tactics/gear I should look into to run these maps quickly? I don't have an active guild or friends that are interested in running it with me so soloing seems like the only option.
2. What items (brutality, potency, etc.) are best for rogues? I have tried to compare them in the auction house but I don't really know how to assess the trade off between damage and crit.
3. I got bored with mage and decided to play with a rogue (as you can tell from the above questions). How do you rogues not blow through mana? I have the gold to buy pots but its a pain having to spend a lot on them since I solo most maps.
4. I looked through the rogue class discussion but it seems wildly inactive, so I am going to ask this question here: what skills are best for PvE? Keep in mind that I usually solo most maps. Right now, I have 5/5 aimed, 5/5 nox, 5/5 sss, 1/5 sp and the rest of my points in passives/masteries (I saw this build in Zeus's rogue class discussion haha). I was wondering if traps and razor shield/medic would be better instead of some skills in my current setup.
5. Are there any really good, cheap pets (under 200k) for rogues that I should look into buying?

Thanks again in advance for any responses to these questions! Feel free to add me in game on "Quietdestiny" or "Mortuis".