Lately i have been batling with many bears and i came to the conclusion that we suck against them most times.
Enchantress vs Bear: when it comes to close PVP they are all doomed. But they also have these freakib buffs that get their dodge chance 100 and u cant combo them. I sugest u stay away of them until theyre off or use hellfir and light. Mana shield not usefull against them cause u lose all ure mana. Beter is heal
Enchantress vs Bowbear: You should beg for a nice death. This mules can pwn our ... cause they just run and hit. No aoes can get em! Frostbolt is good against them and mana shield. Life drain very usefull too but be carefull about ure mana cause when it dies ure down too.
Bowenchantress vs Bowbear: this is a fair fight but if the boebear is skilled u can get 3 shots down. Mana shield up and lighning fire and ice must be done to kill them.
Bowenchantress vs Bear: this is a fight we can easily win. Light life drain ice and fire and theyre dead. Care about becon. When it is casted on u use fire!

Ermmm thats all!
Cya and thanks to: Rxi, Thepunishur, Kingrichie, Jrfate