Hey everyone, I am about to cap my first character and have a few questions/comments about that and some other stuff:

1. I only have about 4.2m gold. Is this enough to buy me a relatively good set of gear that will make people not leave me alone in maus/other maps?

2. Expanding on 1, what gear should I buy (I am a rogue)? Are there any items that I should prioritize over others?

3. I only need one more parchment to unlock the recipe for Nekro. Are the crafting supplies for Nekro farmable? And if they are, where can I farm them?

4. Are there any pets under 500k that I should definitely buy as a rogue?

5. Is the arcane ring still viable at level 66?

6. Do people farm anything besides gold at 66? And if they do, what/where do they farm?

7. What maps are good for leveling up? I currently just do my dailies for xp.

Thanks for any responses as always.