Quote Originally Posted by Xxkayakxx View Post
as a f2p player (I do sometimes plat offers but not really purchase plats) took me years to get ...healthy.
Once I spent 4 months just grinding km3 for around 3 hours/day (my kdr was soo good at the time xD), being able to craft 180 massives, selling them during events making a good profit (at the time around 16 millions). There I started to merch/craft-sell nekro and other stuff and now, even if I don’t have the best gear, I’m happy with my stats and savings.

I’m not saying this to brag out. I just want to focus on the fact that took me around one year to reach this situation, starting from a “ok now I will make some money” state of mind and already some knowledge of the game!
“Average” or casual player will never be rich! Grinders of plat users can. And to be rich just grinding requires a huge amount of time!
Arcanes, PP, nekro and all the “old” OP stuff was always crazily high priced! The best stuff was always expansive.
And I don’t know if someone of you remember economy after cakes and deary island issues......was good in your opinion? (Really asking ) in mine wasn’t.
We need objectives in game.....things hard to achieve....goals. And rarities. If not, where is the fun??
It’s interesting how the veteran players feel about the game compared to the new players.

As far as saving gold, your a better man than me kayak, I need to hire a arlorian investment specialist.