[QUOTE=jaythebest;2807099]i disagree, they aren't "just giving things for free", i think Cinco is trying to make SL fun again. Introducing LUCK.E.BOT meant people would play (farm and enjoy the game like it is meant to) more, and ive noticed while luck e bot event was live there were clearly more ppl playing and farming. Clearly, bringing back old vanities is what a lot of people demanded and it is what is driving the game right now.

also what kind of research did you do cuz clearly its impossible to run a game company that has like 5+ games with 6 employees...

the point of making new items is obvious, everyone wants it but more so people also want old vanities... they are taking baby steps introducing old vanities first so SL becomes more active and "fun"... im sure they will add new items soon...

you are right about the economy, i agree there should be a better credit farming system... make bosses like bio-mech drop more credits because they require time to kill without enhancers (just an idea...

Based on what cinco said “if they had seven” the article I have read is true. I used to wonder and hate STS because they could have earned a lot of money from SL or other legacy games if they kept updating but now i am fully aware why they decided to stop and all that stuffs. It’s not their fault cinco is doing his best especially if hes somewhat the only one who really loves the fans (us) and the game. And what i meant by free is why cant they just put it on plat store or something because this way rich people like us gets affected of sudden drop of prices because they are lootable. And if you think having the game alive for 1-2 weeks then everyone decides to stop playing again or just stay in base or something well thats up to u. I dont think farming is “fun” because the only reason they farm so they could sell it overpriced not to have vanities for themselves and enjoy it. (This is just my opinion and just wanna at least help in someway because I really love this game since 2012 until now but game gets boring so i mostly just sit in base afk or merch)

It is possbile to run 5+ ames with only 6 employees. According to the article I read they lost their sponsor or whatever (the way they make money and keep the game going) so they have decided to stop updating some legacy games (not sure if all cus i only play SL) but now I have noticed that they are updating SL more and I have noticed that Fyber and Tapjoy is a lot better so im guessing they are making money from the advertisement of tapjoy and fyber. Anyways all love for Cinco the best game developer in my opinion