Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Reducing the area of effect for the bow proc sounds reasonable. I think it should be ~50% smaller.
Ability range should remain at 13 but the proc rate should be dropped back down to where it was last week.

Speed buff should return but at a lower amount (instead of +60% speed, add +30% speed).

I think the proc rate for the bow should be reduced, but not down to an extent of where it was last week when it barely procced. Again, as sad as it is, the bow and many other sets are heavily proc reliant, determining who wins a fight. An alternative to this could be strongly nerfing procs and boosting skill damage (by a lot) for all classes. Additionally, the bow set has really low armor, so it can be nuked quite easily.

On a side note, I’d like to discuss what changes can be done to fix the bear class. In team fights, bears excel and are essential to winning PvP games. However, an issue arises when fighting 1v1. For instance, bears do seem to have a variety of measures to keep their target grounded, but it seems as if they dont hit hard enough within that stun window, inevitably allowing them to get nuked down. In addition, coupled with the bear class, the Tyben sword’s proc is utterly useless. This is a good opportunity to buff the sword, which will lead to bears utilizing it more often (as was the initial intention). Furthermore, in addition to randomly spawning pools and execute proc, the sword should have an armor break effect, allowing for bears to have the “crushed” combo, and should also have an increase in damage. A lifesteal aspect that the dagger has could also be implented to increase survivability.