Quote Originally Posted by BRYBE View Post
With this tax youll be broke forever and will start lending golds from friends just to sold some items to get back some golds for taxes. Oops lending "using trade" still needed tax x.x youll be broke forever unless you run maus with your epic equips looted (maybe youre a collector dont have any endgame equip) but how about if this broke thing happened at lvl 30 char and it is only char you have? Farm brackenridge for some golds to pay tax to sell things?
The OP does state this was just a beginning idea, the goal would be to tax the rich and not the poor. I ask for constructive feedback as thus idea obvs needed expanding. If you read some posts there are some good ideas on this and the goal would be to cut taxes for the poor and increase taxes for the rich. @DallasMadden had a good thought of just adding a tax to trades over X amount( a million or two?less?). No need to maximize everything to make it seem the worst possible although I fully understand what you are saying.