Ok, I know I am still new to the forums, but I have a few things to say:

Last night I sat through some of the worst weather I have experienced in my 30 plus years on this earth. I went out this morning to get my family breakfast (because we have NO power) and drove into a world of destruction. I literally teared up at the sight of people walking around in the streets with nothing to do but stare at what they had lost (cars, homes, and some: family members.) Thousands of people across the southern US are without alot of the things we take for granted. Yet, I log on to this website after my power is restored (not having for over 12 hours), and see yet another post of immaturity, and frankly, stupidity.

Folks, we play a game. This game allows us to escape from our real world and grants the opportunity to meet people around the world. To see what I have seen the past week on these forums is ridiculous and uncalled for. Grow up! Who cares if you make a bad trade?? Who cares if someone boots you?? Why not let players of lower levels play with you? (Are we that insecure in our in-game skills?) The game is slowly falling apart because of the constant bickering and complaining.

It's a game... GET OVER IT! People in the real world have real problems right now!

That is all.