The mad mage's castle is an event that even once someone achieves their desired threshold, many will keep going. The arena of honor, I recall restoration stopped at just over gold tier, and didn't bother playing afterwards. Regardless, pve is definitely, without question, the more popular choice for both an event and for the daily go-to for the overall community. Pvp is practically dead compared to the old days, and forcing people to pvp for an event won't necessarily be fruitful for the pvp scene. In fact, most pve players didn't even bother to try during the last pvp event, or if they did, got ran out pretty quickly and went off to enjoy their weekend. So, no, pvp events don't reflect the interests of the majority by any means. If you guys want arena of honor, don't forget it was added by request, you can play it any at any time you desire. But I don't see any of you, even those who also wanted it added back, bothering to play there. If the goal is to see a huge level of participation, which directly impacts the generation of revenue during events, and is inclusive to all types of players based on their skills, the choice is obvious.