Mobile Forums - Since this is a mobile game MMORPG, maybe you could enable TapaTalk or something else like Forum Runner to ease the mobile viewing experience? These are highly popular apps that make reading and responding to forums threads via a mobile device a breeze.

Themes - Maybe you could add more color schemes instead of just the blue and white?

Thanks/Like - Add a thanks/like option to threads. When you allow members to say thank you this way or saw we like a post like this, it makes the thread easier to find more information. For example if a thread reaches 200 posts, but 8 of them are actually full of good content and the other 192 are people just saying thank you, it becomes difficult to get to the good stuff.

Forum Achievements - Add achievements and badges we can add to our profiles for various forum related things like;
  • Logging in for X amount of days or hours.
  • Tagging X amount of threads.
  • Getting enough "thanks" or "likes" from your posts.
  • Reaching posting milestones like 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 posts.

You could go on and on but gamers love unlockables.