Hello everyone, me and my wife are old school mmo players and stumbled on this cool little game and think it rocks.

We just had a few questions and hope to get a few answers. Now we are not looking for a free ride not at all we think the best way to get good at a game is start from the ground up and learn as we go. What we would like to know though is there a decent duo that works well together? We never turn others away, but until we learn we would be a liability and wouldn't wanna slow others down is all.

I got a bird up to 18 right now and im starting to see there is a lot more to this than run and gun. I scour the forums and think in the long run this will rock. If there is anyone that can answer a random question here and there that would be great. I have seen similar threads but we are not looking for powerleveling just guidance.

Thanks ahead of time