hello all, just need clarification here

i have mythic dreamscape sword ( mythic vers of Terror Blade)

i used TB too in the past before i sell it. i notice something there which is bug or not?

As we know, Tb proc when charging is always pulling the enemy, myth vers kinda have proc chance (lower rate than Tb), which is not a problem because i know arcane is better than mythic. BUT MY QUESTION IS

1. VORTEX DMG --> mythic have no vortex dmg at all on pve. on pvp kinda like 900 dmg per tick i guess. but in Pve is no dmg at all, only pull. i tested it on several map. On elite nordr where enemies cant deal dmg to me, there you can see that no proc dmg at all from the vortex.

is it really used to be like that???? , cuz in the proc effect its stated that it dmg the enemies. (i know not op as TB, but at least please make it dmg on pve. considering how hard it is to farm that )

2. pull rate is sometimes just nasty. ( no proc at all, even on charge ) maybe some little bug here as well?

IM not asking to make it same as TB. i just asking that mythic sword probably have a bug. considering the vortex dmg on pvp, but NOT in pve. i just need some clarification here from the developer or anyone who is face the same problem

really appreciate it for the answer soon

best regards
