Quote Originally Posted by Rosybuds View Post
Hi I have been wondering this too I just opened 200 Grand Cake’s !!
On each Grand opened All I got was a small cake. In the next cake’s I opened I received a med cake & a large cake and then nothing on a lot of them ! The person with me got 500 Gold or 250 Gold or 5 Pots or a small cake.
When opening other Grand Cakes & Large cakes & Med Cakes & Small Cakes too save points for the 6 Banner & the Candle Weapons & 2 Sets of Shiny Balloons..
So I opened quite a Few of All these Cakes I got nothing apart from the Points Same with Med & Small cake’s just Point’s ...
Was this Suppose too happen ? ? ? ����*♀️
So No Furniture or Basically Anything apart from a few cake’s & Point’s ......
What a Downer I’m waiting on a Plat Sale too buy a Tavern and thought the furniture would look good in the Tavern
Or What ever else I was suppose too get from Opening all these Cake’s...
Does anyone know if this was right ?
Obviously the Furniture should have dropped from Grand Cakes �� ( If your one of the lucky Peeps I guess)
But too receive nothing or a few cakes �� �� �� Was rather disheartening !!!
After All that Farming....
But I will leave this on a Positive I Love the Red Glow Strawberry ���� is his red aura ��
It would be good if each Heroic Pet had their own Colour’s below them instead of all the Heroic having the same Aura ..
H/Grimm�� in his green aura looks Great !!!
So you could do this with all of them each Pet with their own colour like the colour of the pet itself ..... (Pretty Please)
( Strawberry Pet looks great with Red �� ) ��
It just looked so Good ��
Last few things Could be Please Fix the drop rate of what drops from Grand Cake’s �� & Chest’s....
ie Furniture I Never Seen Any !!!
As of now its only a Small cake for the person opening Grand Cakes & Small Cake or small amount of Gold or occasionally a
cracked gem !!!
The Person with you if lucky gets between 250G or 500G and a Small or Med Cake !!!
Not really a Lot for all of he Farning and spending Gold....

End on a Poitive Note : Love The Arcane Shivs I Bought with Plat ���� Love Them ��

Thank You �� Now Back too Farming Hopefully We will find some Furniture This Tavern Aint going too Furnish Itself
I convinced my Little (Sis - In - Law ) She has too Help Furnish it it an unwritten Ryle ...
Well if we find any of this Elusive Birthday Furniture that is ....�� �� �� �� �� �� �� ��l
Nice poem!!