Currently, characters have 54 skill points at lvl 55 and can max out 9 of 12 possible skills. Most people max 7 or 8 of their most important ones, then put the same 1, 2 or 3 points in a few others. This has led to a ton of the same skill builds across all class types, with no real class specialization. Everyone can do everything. I have an idea to change that.

Increase max skill level to 10. That will mean characters can only max 5 of 12 skills, less than half, and will encourage characters to play a broad range of more specialized character types. We might actually see enchantresses who are healers (10 heal, 10 vitality, etc) and enchantresses who are nukers (10 firestorm, lightning, etc). We would see warriors focused purely on tanking and ones for damage. Birds focused on debuffs, or focused on bow damage.

This would be great for the community. Skill damage would have to be adjusted somewhat (lvl 10 should do more dmg than lvl 6), but it would encourage players to player a broader range of character types. A win-win right?