Quote Originally Posted by Narana.Solarie View Post
My first time ranting so please do try to understand where I’m coming from.

I spend most of my AL time in mausoleum and i enjoy it a lot! Except one detail... why is it that even after spending 30m+ on a bow I’m still not doing decent damage on Lich/Vori? I joke with friends how dragon staff mages made us rogues unemployed. But it really is true. I spent millions on gears just to be able to hold my own or assist other players while we run mausoleum.

I tried Immo bow just to be able to do some damage on Lich/bosses but it was sad too :/ and finally AL introduced Ebon, i was expecting so much from Ebon that us rogues get decent weapon that can at least hold a candle against dragon staff proc and actually do some damage on Lich. But unfortunately how proc works only matters in pvp not pve. I’ve seen how people complain Ebon weapon procs in pvp but hey AL! There are pve people too?!
I might be selfish or whatever you call, but at least i know many non pvp and pve concentrated rogue players can understand what i mean.
I really feel it’s unfair how end game weapon do so less damage than way low lvl weapon. I’m not saying nerf ds or how mages are unfair. It’s about how AL weapon logic is so messed up. Isn’t there way for us rogues do some damage on lich now too? Warr and Mage can kill Lich but all us Rogue can do is “tickle the hell out of Lich” whyyy???

End of ranting. Thank you

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You may have missed it but STS told us maus will always be 10 levels higher than you're current level. In other words you are fighting a level 81 boss with 71 gear.

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