What are your guys opinion on “GOD TEIR GEAR” me and a few friends were talking about sts making a weapon or armor set that makes the “op” players look weak.

Let me explain, Top warriors have 20-25k hp with 3-5k damage and 9-14k armor, how about sts makes a God tier type of armor set or weapon that gives the player something crazy like 100-50k hp and 10-15k damage and 20-50k armor. It effects pvp and both pve. Once the “GOD” player joins pve it attracts all mobs in the map”once the player kills the first mob” Also, for pvp when the “God” player joins, both teams blue and red convert into purple and have to team up against the TOP player 10v1 if you will

(there can be more than 1 “GOD TIER” Player both in pvp and pve and in game)

Give me your thoughts all criticism is welcome with open arms .

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