Funny how different players use different builds. When people say it depends on how you play it's 100% true. I disagree with most of what the others said)

for me axe is a must sll 5 points. With axe you can control targets and most bosses.

Chest splitter first and 4th. I like cs over windmill because of the cool down speed. Ill hit 2-3 times before your windmill stops/resets.

Horn of renew all 5. More for others then me.

skyward smash all but the last one. Ss auto targets and jumps ahead of the party. Some stun and a good opening attack for a combo.

Thats 4 and really all you need for pve but for me i add both jugg and vb all 5 of each.

Jug is good in a lot of situations mainly to avoid stuns. Ill drop chest splitter and add jugg for maps where stuns are an all of underhul or checking paths in maus.

Vb is good when you want damage over health/stun immunity. You crit hit almost 100% and boost your stats over all. I use during events and at bosses. Again dropping chest splitter.

In maps i dont need to heal the party or solo i use the 3 attacks and either jug or vb.

Ultimate is always rage.

Spend the rest of the points on pasives and 1 point in axe mastery for bleed .

There is my basic build for pve. Im sure you will get others that are completely different