To reply to each of your ideas:

1: There already are super easy achievements. Every boss killed grants aps and early bosses go by super fast. There are also free pets and vanities via promo codes. I don’t think adding more of these is actually going to motivate people.

2. There is already ways to gain xp fast via quests and dailies. The problem with leveling up that I see is that it’s super easy to get from level 1 to about level 40, but then the amount of xp required becomes excessive. Also, maps that give xp become more difficult at this level, and since there’s nobody else running maps at this level, it makes it hard for people to level up. Imo, sts needs to severely cut the amount of xp needed to level up, as I feel the grind is a major turn off for many players.

3 and 4: This will not help new players. The reasoning being is that locked crates become worthless quite quickly as there is not enough people opening them as there are being looted. Check out marsh crates or any of the cheap event crate for proof. If new players want gold, the best way would be farm events, sell all the loot, and buy gl gear and farm esg or maus. Looting crates that cost 500 gold is not much help, especially if they don’t even loot one every run. Generally speaking, there’s reasons people are poor in game. Either they don’t put in the effort or they tend to spend their money poorly. I know people who are “poor” and will buy an event vanity the first day it comes out as opposed to waiting until the end of the event when that same vanity will be a fraction of the price. Saving gold as opposed to blowing it impulsively is a very important lesson to learn, and most of the “poor” community hasn't figures this out.

5: Advertising is expensive. My guess is sts has decided that the amount of money spent on advertising would most likely cost more than the amount that they would make from new players. In other words, there’s a good chance they lose money.

Another aspect that you did not mention is the lack of pvp. I feel that many players who play games like this want to play pvp, and when they see the failed state of pvp in this game, they give up. From the toxic community to the large gap that awakenings and gear prices have caused, pvp no longer exists in this game to a point that people don’t want to play. Creating a healthy pvp environment would be the biggest change devs need to make in this game, before focusing solely on newer players.