Ok we know this topic have been discussed for over and over, and most of times it ended bad..Here there's my idea but I also count on your opinion trying to make it more possible and fair for everyone.

Seasonal leaderbords for tdm - blood beach. class based Warrior-Mage-Rogue.

All old players know that the reason why those lb (ctf, tdm..) got deleted it's cause the rewards were gained mostly from dummy farmers.

This is my idea.

Season refresh monthly (just like hydra and orrick raid)
Class based: top 50 mage / top 50 rogue / top 50 warriors
Level required: CAPPED players only (atm 71) --> any kill done below lv 70 will not be counted for lb (to avoid any dummy farmer winner)
Map where kills will be counted: blood beach (to avoid any dummy farmer winner)

top 50 for each class: skull badge (refresh monthly)
top 25 for each class: skull badge (refresh monthly) + 250k gold
top 10 for each class: skull badge (refresh monthly) + 500k gold
top 1 for each class: skull badge (refresh monthly) + 500k gold + banner (bound account, not stashble, not tradeble) or/and blue coloured name ---> refresh monthly)

Do you think the idea is nice?
Do you think those rules will prevent anyone from dummy farm?
Do you think the rewards are fair?
Do you have any adjustment to make on it to make it more enjoyable, fair, or easier to create this system for devs?

Please lets stick to thread topic let's not go into pvp fights XD

Have a nice day