Hey, so i just wanna give some suggestion for classes since in my opinion its nowhere near "balance"

1. Buffing mage - yep, i just think that mage is way too weak compared to warrior n rogue since mage used to beat warriors and its close to 0 chance rn, and rogues pretty much can kill mage easily ( im talkin abt the same level of gears ) in my opinion, they should .make thunder crits more (i mean its not fair when rogues can 1 shot, even do 50% hp with shield on and rogues got high crit unlike mage.. +shields = mage's life ( well at least this is for 90% mage players, cus the 10% are those crazy rich players that gon spend 200m just for awakes ) and maybe increase all skill damage? when i say increase i mean like just a bit to make it able to hurt rogues/tanks. increasing shield affectiveness, yea i mean rogues canjust aimshot and boom 50% hp lose with shield. and some of them even hits through nekro aa, and cmon mages with below 4k dmg ( im talkim abt those mages that got money to buy gears and ebon but not enuf money to spend 100-200m just for crazy op awakes ) cant even do more than 20-30% damage to them, and even mages with ebon can be killed by tainted rogues, so for an example 50m rogues can beat 80-100m mages. which is kinda unfair, mage needs crazy tons of money to be able to pvp ( im not saying rogues dont use alot of money but with only good gears and nekro/ pets with cotton aa they can beat mages ) and ofc by this im not talking about those billionaire mages like lamp for example.

2. nerf and buffs for rogue - in my opinion aimshot is just way too powerfull, why not reduce the crit damage? like for example imma mage w around 8k hp, 6k armor and 4k dmg, and bruh tainted rogues can 1 hit me without shield, and 50percent+ with shield, like maybe reduce aimshot damage so that its not able to 1 shot atleast, and maybe decrease razor damage but increase its duration, buff nox dot damage, but basically the main point is to make rogues unable to 1shot with aimshot just to make pvp more fun ( i know u guys know that guy whose 1v1ing u, u killed them but they always respawn and that the chance to kill u while ur shield is on cd ) well as u all know almost everyone makr rogues nowadays just because its crazy op.

3. Tanks - tbh i dont know what to say about tanks.. cus tbh a tank shud have armor, mana and health, but nowadays tank dont even use their brain on mana since they got more than enough mana ( i remember those times when tanks needs to carefully use those skills and venge timings just to be able to beat other classes in 1v1 before drainin their mana to 0, yea pvp used to make us use our brains, but now its just simple targetting and ebon reflects ) and tanks with aegis are pretty much immortal.. but if i actually ask em to nerf aegis ebon.. that means im arrogant cause ebon aegis is very usefull in pve like running maus, but its overpowered in pvp and i know its not possible to nerf a weapon in pvp and buff in pve. like fr idek what to suggest about warrior, maybe decrease in damage if they got no plans of nerfing aegis in pvp or reduce heal effectiveness/duration. just to make tanks play more of their role "tank" cause rn tank is not their role, id call em beast.

and again this is just my opinion and suggestion no hard feelings, feel free to write down ur opinions too.

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