Quote Originally Posted by Noobatdota View Post
Hello Chilvarious Union,
My name is Crudiness(ign) I used to play the game back in 2013, and I remember Chilvarious from lvl 36 cap pvp. Back then different acc used to get my butt kicked by illustrivious I think (horrible with names) in pvp and I’m coming back to the game. I was never in CU before and am looking to join when lvl 71, nice to see guilds that were there way back when... at least when plat was 40% off and 1700 plat was $55 anyways. Good to meeting you all. I’m lvl 41 now and looking forward to seeing you at endgame.

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Wcb crudiness! Send me FR in game, please. Iluvataris is still here, but in active. Best wishes! Look forward to meeting you (:
