Quote Originally Posted by Gufugufutwo View Post
funny coming from you
Lmao what's that supposed to mean? You're literally the biggest carry here, and I don't even wanna know how many of these forums accs r u, but I have my assumptions. Stsgrump has once again left the game, and he wasn't a dev, he stated as such multiple times. I can't know for sure, but I've talked to devs in game, and he just didn't talk the same, when dev's talk about the game it feels like a parent talking about a child. Just go beat the times and stop freaking out, it's over. I didn't expect him to be fast, I never say no when someone asks because imo just trying is the most fun in the game. I didn't ask for this. I didn't. But I have no regrets, and won't after you beat it.