I've been following the development of Pocket Legends some time now, and I believe it has great potential.
I know, this is a mobile MMORPG, and certainly Apple might limit the potential to a certain point, I might be wrong here.
But still, I look forward to see how the game progresses.

From a personal point of view though, and I believe many others are as interested as I am, in what direction is this game going?
I'm talking, will boss fights be just simple "tank & spank" fights, or will there be strategies (move the boss, use 2 tanks [boss gives a debuff on the active target?]), dedicated tanks and healers maybe?
Even more than that I'm interested to PvP, how is it going to look like?
More of a professional PvP environment, or as I pointed out above, simple "who has more hp pots" fights etc.

I'd greatly appreciate if Devs could share some future plans and ideas they have with us
That is if you have any at the moment.

So guys, discuss which way you'd expect/want the game to develop!