Quote Originally Posted by Dolloway View Post
I disagree with everything you just said except maybe about the Drain Life part.

Drain Life can be destructive, but it's just not as great when damage output is this high and armor/health isn't strong enough. The main problem is probably the heal output from regular Heal, which heals less than one auto. With health creeping higher and higher each cap, this was bound to happen. The Heal we currently have (as with the majority of buffs/debuffs, etc.) are all very outdated this cap as Super said.

Have you tried Mythic vs Mythic bird vs rhino? Elite sets are a different thing because the damage output is less on those sets (remember that mythic shields give 2000 damage). A single charge redemption combo will kill the bird everytime unless they dodge. The added armor from Talon set will likely not be enough, as is the case with Wand set's armor not being enough to withstand the combo from rhinos as well.

You said that you didn't try pvp for that long. If you have not done so, I urge you to borrow a Mythic str set from a guildmate or something and try rhino for yourself to see how it is. Likewise, I think you should do the reverse and try Mythic bird against Mythic rhino to also see how birds fare. It's not as simple to beat rhinos as just using repulse. I don't know how you can possibly say a Mythic str rhino is "easy to beat". They have the highest health, armor, and their dmg output is so high that they kill in two hits the majority of the time.
I tested myth bow bird vs str rhino. So far it's easy to beat for me but for others like wise. Players would have to understand rhinos main skill to know how to beat them. I've seen some of my guildies get crapped on by rhinos yet I come close to 10-0ing the player. It's all just different skill sets. Charge doesn't kill in 1 shot so you have plenty of time as a bird to finish them before they can tempt or red.

As for Healing. Yeah. It wasn't really a good idea to take away higher heals for instead a heal overtime. I said during 105 cap that it's flawed and makes single heal classes weak while making actual heal classes more broken, especially rhino since they already have a basic heal overtime in the form of +regeneration on restore. A single rhino will heal for 300hp then get a extra 200 health per second heal while also having 100+ some GO regen from restore. Super flawed.