Quote Originally Posted by Ieaffy View Post
Crafting time not gonna affect the price its all about the item/ingredients for crafting, if thats your theory u also think that zulong is less price compare to nekro cause its less time to craft compare to nekro,,
Grinding for recipe(parchment) and vials is enough time for it, and to make u know it, nekro is worth 3m-5m before when the vials are obtainable in planar chest and its not also an aps(achivement points) to craft this egg so 5days is too long for this
So if you feel that 5 days of crafting time is long enough, why even bother to farm for the ingredients knowing that the crafting time of it takes 5 days? Grinding for parchments are not a bothersome thing. No one in the right mind would craft a nekro just for aps when it’s already common sense that it wasn’t part of it. People only crafted it because of its AA in PvP as well as in PvE.

And why would zhulong be of less price if it’s crafting time takes a few hours? People craft zhulong because of its aura that used to be activated in towns before it got nerfed and could only be seen when fighting in PvE.