Quote Originally Posted by namca View Post
What backstabbing drama?
U forget that namco gave u a win in a pve Event I guess
Nd puri was friend till I found out from common friend that he uses emulator pc way nd he farms alts to increase kdr ..I not like fakes thats why i picked kof side ..nd answer me why u here hating while u re inactive in game itself ?
U only want kof vanishes cos they win ..?
And please care ur guild mates in Eoe cos they only bug begging stuff nd gold ..if u cant care ur own fam not mess with others. ...
Arent u happy with cinco bringing us new pvp ? Support the game healthy way nd please bella be active in it too ..
I find it fake too in my opinion u to cuss game players while u not actually play the game or pvp ..
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😭😭💀💀 im dying namca you are a clown, you chose kof because me and xaam demoted namco in guild and he cried so we ganged him lmaooo, you had no choice then to follow him would you like me to post the screenshots of what you would tell us????

And you fake hate fake kdrs??? But nero farm alts there is literally a thread and ss about him killing alts huh.....so you are contradicting yourself now. As i said to nero please think before you post because you end up looking like a clown.

And if you guys aren't cheaters why bother commenting???? If anyone posted a thread about me cheatinf i wouldn't even bother responding because myself knows i don't cheat i only bring alts when you guys have alts lmaoo. Namca pleae stop being delusional let me know if you want me to post some ss lol anyway here is a link of me vs namca 7-0 lmao good game namca atleast u dont leave like ur master
